Monday, August 25, 2008

The Special-ness of Special K

Some don't believe me when I tell of Special K's determined personality. "He's so laid back." "I've never seen him even fuss a little."

Well, my experience yesterday truly sums up Special K's determined ways. After church we went to lunch with a friend. When I parked, I accidentally hit the concrete slab that the light post was in. No biggie, I just backed up -- just enough so I wasn't hitting the slab anymore. So imagine about a 3" - 4" distance between the slab and the van's bumper. We had lunch and were leaving. The kids were acting silly and Special K was on the other side of the van. I asked him to come over -- around the slab. No, he had to go between the slab and the van. Now, he barely could get his hip in between the two, but by golly he was going to do it anyway. So he started screaming. I tried to help by getting him to go out the other way. "No" he was going to do it his way come hell or high water. So he wedged himself in even further. Now he is stuck right in the middle, was crying and screaming because he was stuck. I was starting to get concerned about exactly how I was going to get him out. Why should I worry though, he didn't want my help! I knew I couldn't back the van out further because when I turned it on and put it into reverse it might lurch forward just enough to truly hurt the kid. He kept screaming and yelling and crying. I couldn't move him forward or backward -- he was stuck. But he kept trying, and crying, and yelling and screaming. Well, as things usually go for Special K, he finally squeezed through, with little injury.

And so, this sums up the personality of Special K. This determined spirit is bound to get him somewhere in life because he won't quit until it does. Hopefully it doesn't kill mommy in the process!


Rho said...

Okay, Betsy,
This sounds like one little girl I knew growing up. ;) SHE could be quite stubborn and persistent to get 'her' way, LOL!

Click on my name w/in this post and you can see the three blogs I have going. I have been working hard with court reporting, so not doing it I wish I could. But I will subscribe to yours so I can check it out daily!

Abby was asking 'who is that' so I was explaining, lol. Hoping we can visit with you someday IRL! I love your pic too!

MadMonkMcElroys said...

Bite your tongue Rhoda! I was MOST DEFINITELY NOT like that when I was growing up. I was the most easy-going / go with the flow kid out there ;) STILL AM . . . HA!