Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Southern Boys

"That, it! We're Moving!" That's what Steve said when we heard IT this morning.

In response to the question, "Are you getting your shoes on, Evan?" The response was, "I'm FIXIN' to." "You're what?" "I'm FIXIN' to." "I'm sorry, you're what?" "Uh, uh, getting ready to put it on."

AND Kyle . . . He says "ya-ah"

What's happening? It doesn't seem to matter what their Yankee parents do, these boys are turning "Suthurn."


TMA said...

Eh, that is nothing!!! At least your inlaws are not teaching them these phrases, cuz then you cannot correct them...Be glad you aren't stuck having to decide whether or not to say to your kid in front of your inlaw that we don't say "fixin' to" or "put it up" (instead of away) or "mash the button" (instead of push(, etc. Or your own husband teaching them...a losing battle for sure!

Rho said...

I have been working on 'lie down'...telling Maggie, the dog, to do that instead of 'lay down'. I am driving Dan crazy, lol. He thinks I am correcting HIS grammar by doing this. I am just trying to improve myself for my court reporting job to not sound like a hick from PA! LOL!

tarab said...

well, if they're gonna talk right, then all of y'all are welcome to stay down here and we'll just love the yankee right out of ya - bless your hearts.

Abby said...

Ugh - you need to come back to PA. Then my husband can teach them to say "Yunz guys goin donton, get a couple Irons; watch the Stullers" and "Iz dat maynnaise or mircle whip on dat hoagie?" just see me cringe.

Abby said...

Yes, I do know how to spell - that was my weak attempt at Scott's fake yunzer Pittsburgh accentl