We normally do not get a full weekend to be at home all together. To get 3 days is a miracle! We were not supposed to be in town this weekend but cancelled our plans just to have a weekend at home. Since we have 3 whole days, why don't we make it a home improvement weekend.
First the list (and not necessarily in this order):
- Fix kitchen light that sizzles and flickers when turned on.
- re-grout shower tiles -- is that mold or mildew growing UNDER them?
- clean large picture window over foyer (2 stories high)
- change out flood lights around house (some 1 story high, some 2 stories and some 3 stories)
- trim holly tree (2 stories high)
- fix and re-design air conditioning drainage system (current design broken and obviously designed by an idiot who has more time on his hands than we do)
- And general weekend stuff (wash cars, laundry, groceries, etc.)
- Oh, and keep kids entertained while doing it all.
DAY 1:
So first we worked on the kitchen light. Actually this went rather well. Believe it or not, we had a switch to change out the dimmer switch. So within 20 min . . . FIXED . . . cost $0
Now to the shower. Hmmm. There is a lot more to be re-grouted than we thought. Oh, the prior owners spray painted over all the tiles so when we re-grout it will all chip off making the tiles look even worse. Our friend with experience in this area says . . . That's Not Good! GREAT. Okay, no biggie we'll figure this out, but not today.
Now to the drainage system . . . Darling B figures out a re-design of the system. Mad Monk doesn't understand Darling B's design. Mad Monk draws out exactly the same re-design as Darling B, but doesn't think so. Darling B and Mad Monk get into an argument over the SAME design. Typical when re-designing anything around here. Finally get on the same page. More stuff to buy . . .
Darling B now climbs up our 24 Foot latter to clean windows. Actually gets them done with a lot of courage. Of course Mad Monk tells Darling B on the AM of Day 2 not to look at them b/c she won't be happy.
Mad Monk climbs up 24 Foot latter to trim holly tree. Latter teeters and totters as he balances the hedge trimmer . . . lops off the top, can't reach the other side and only half down the side he's on b/c the latter is half IN the tree. Darling B keeps saying it just isn't right. Mad Monk says she'll have to live with it. Darling B says FINE she'll hire someone. Mad Monk says go for it!
END of DAY 1. Time to go OUT to eat b/c we didn't get to the grocery and to Home Depot to get stuff for changing out lights and new design for drainage system.
Darling B wakes up with SO much energy and a feeling of accomplishment (from what I'm not sure) that she suggests that it's time to paint Big E's room . . . space ship theme.
Mad Monk agrees but suggests that maybe we should skip church to get this done. NO, Darling B wants to go to Church too!
Darling B DOES NOT look at picture window
Go to church . . .
Return. Mad Monk heads out to change lights with light changer extension pole. 1 story light bulb changed no problem. 2nd story light . . . when screwing OUT the bulb, he screws out the entire fixture causing it to dangle by its wires. Now what? Light changer extension pole doesn't work to screw BACK IN the whole fixture.
Darling B suggests that he reach it from 2nd story bedroom window. Great idea . . . Mad Monk removes screen from window and hangs out as far as he can (where is a camera when you need one) except Mad Monk's reach is 1 ft. too short.
How about reaching it from the attic? Mad Monk heads up to attic to check it out. Darling B meanwhile researches space themed rooms on the internet. Next thing she hears . . . CRASH . . . BOOM . . . @#$@%&^. Darling B runs upstairs to find a hole in the ceiling and dry wall and insulation all over the floor. Mad Monk put his foot through the ceiling and fell through up to his thigh!
Well, ceiling is taped up. We're working on how we're going to fix that one. Lights are still not changed out and are still dangling by their wires. Holly Tree still lopsided. Picture window worse than it was before. Drainage system still not fixed. Tiles same as before. Big E's room has space portals and a cockpit drawn onto wall . . . Big E sleeping in spare room. Laundry still not done, haven't gone to grocery store, cars still dirty and WE are having guests tomorrow to celebrate LABOR day. Hmmm.
Maybe we should just stick to laundry, cleaning cars, groceries and enjoying a weekend off.